Just got the word that "Dead of Winter: a Comic Anthology" is in print and on sale! The print work looks amazing, and I'm so proud to see that all the work that everyone put into the volume paid off in a truly awesome way! Thanks especially to my friend Dave Scheidt for offering me the opportunity to fulfill one of my childhood (and adult) dreams: to illustrate the cover art for a comic book! More info available here. Support support!
Here were some nice words Dave had to share with everyone involved. I couldn't agree more:
Dead of Winter began in the middle of summer.
What started off as a little simple, “Hey wouldn't it be cool..”
morphed into something incredibly awesome. I just put the word out,
asking if anyone was interested in doing a book together, I didn’t
really expect too much. First it started off asking people I already
knew, but then suddenly strangers were emailing me, asking questions
and asking if they could be a part of it. People were suggested.
People were unfortunately turned down. Tons of people wanted to do it.
Eventually, some people dropped off, some added on last minute. It was
all just a series of emails between people until I started getting
finished pages back. Then out of nowhere, It was REAL.
That's the crazy thing about comics, I guess. You put two things
together, words and pictures. Those things separate still hold their
own but the more pages I received the more and more excited I got.
Forgive me for sounding cheesy, but it was kind of magic. We all
created something, together out of nowhere, to share a story, Great
I cannot thank everyone involved enough, if not for your enthusiasm,
talent and creativity this book would not exist. I am so humbled and
blown away by what we've all put together. We didn't rely on any sort
of gimmick, we didn't have to ride any industry coattails or try and
pander. Every single one of you has done an awesome job, and I cannot
wait to see what the future holds for all of you, because there WILL
be a future if you guys keep making comics. Your hard work shows, It's
still weird holding this book in my hands, but again this wouldn't
exist if it weren't for each and every single one of you.
Now stop reading this and make more comics!
-With Love and Ink,
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