It's been a busy, busy couple of weeks. Got some new job opportunities, and have also been blessed with some recent creative endeavors. I was so excited to be asked to do the album cover for one of my favorite Chicago bands, Heavy Times. It's been a little hectic gettin' the sucker laid out, but I think it looks good and I can't wait to see how my buddy Kyle does with the silk screened covers, he's a great print maker, so I'm sure this is child's play for him. Many thanks for the patience, Kyle and Bo, it's been a crazy few days!
The plan is for a folded sleeve with a 6" flap on the backside containing all the info, and allowing the vinyl to be exposed in the plastic outer sleeve. In addition, the plastic screen itself will be printed with the band name and album title text. I've posted the mock-up for interested parties!
Tragedy in Sadhu universe! Our proposed poster for our Silver Mt. Zion poster looked great. However, in light of our imminent failure with the CMYK screen printing method, Jim and I decided to simplify things with a two color screen print. Going to print today, so we'll see where this gets us. Keep your fingers crossed!
Sadhu Sadhu will be supporting the amazing Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra Band on their summer 2010 U.S. tour. Come out and support. Hoping to have a 4 color process screen print of this done for the show. Not sure of the edition number, but I'll keep ya'll posted.
Killer live set by Sadhu Sadhu. We kicked up a pretty dense wall of sound and some furious psych shred. I felt like we were really "on" that night and I think this was a benchmark performance for us. I'm really happy with it. Thanks to Andrew from Great Society Mind Destroyers for recording the entire show that night. Sounds great! You've gotta check the Destroyers out, trance-inducing psych rhythms and esoteric lyrics, oh yeah! BTW, this download link contains performances from all the bands that played that night: Rene Hell, Wet Hair & the lovely Pocahaunted!
Just completed the Save The Date postcards for our wedding! They're going out to the printer today! We're keeping with a simple kinda rustic and sweet aesthetic. We're working on the rest of the art and lettering for the invitation, program, thank you cards, signs etc. Should have some more wedding related art up here soon. Check out my lovely lady's blog for more info